Demonstrate, seek funding for and implement high-impact projects based on collective scientific work around nexuses, themes of interest and new approaches.  Four levels of partnership projects: knowledge sharing, Starters, Pilots and of Large Scope.

Adjamé Market, abidjan, ivory coast


Mêler agroécologie et résilience hydrique pour des systèmes alimentaires durables grâce à l’intelligence collective et à l’accompagnement des territoires. Projet régional : Maroc, Sénégal et Tunisie Il s’agit d’engager les

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Woman working on fields at Casamance, Sénégal


Food and Microbiota in Africa – Alimentation traditionnelle et santé publique Partenaires: ARC (Afrique du Sud), Cirad, CSIR, INRAE Université Cheikh Anta Diop (Sénégal), University of Pretoria, University of the Western

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Emploi et transition agroécologique Partenaires: Burkina Faso, France, Ghana Sénégal La question de l’emploi, des conditions de travail et de l’attractivité des métiers, notamment pour les jeunes, est un point

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Réseau de recherche et de formation sur la fonctionnalité des sols en Afrique de l’Ouest Partenaires : Bénin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, France, Sénégal Ce réseau a pour objectif de

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© R. Belmin, Cirad

Autres projets labelisés TSARA

TSARA s’appuie également sur des dynamiques existantes, autour de projets rassemblant des partenaires de l’initiative autour de nos thématiques à enjeu. OR4Food Connaître le projet JobAgri Connaître le projet Projets

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Regional project: Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia

How to Merge Agroecology and Hydric resilience to Develop sustainable food systems through collective Intelligence and territorial Approaches

  • Partners: Cirad, Ecole Nationale d’Agriculture de Meknès (ENAM), Institut Agro Montpellier, CIHEAM-IAMM, Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture, l’Alimentation et l’Environnement (INRAE) ,Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie (INAT), , Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA),  

The aim is to engage local areas in an agroecological development path that reconciles water resilience, food security and nutritional quality. The objective is to develop tools, approaches and territorial platforms that bring together all the stakeholders in the food systems, to promote, from production to processing and consumption, food products identified as being of interest in terms of local economic, social, environmental and health issues. Experiences will be shared between the 4 countries and capitalized on; the results will be the subject of scientific, political and general public communication.


Regional project: South Africa, Senegal, France

Food and microbiota in Africa, nutrition, from the microbiota to public policy

  • Partners : ARC (South Africa), Cirad, CSIR, INRAE Université Cheikh Anta Diop (Sénégal), University of Pretoria, University of the Western Cape
The aim is to i) produce knowledge on the African microbiota and on the link between traditional and indigenous African foods and nutrition/health, ii) strengthen traditional and indigenous African food value chains, iii) make recommendations for policy support towards these sectors. Particular attention will be paid to inclusiveness (income and employment for women and young people along the value chains) and to the environmental sustainability of these agri-food systems (particularly through agroecological practices).